Released: 1969
Producer: Ken Nelson
Earl Ball was the P & R man and sitting in the control room, were guests Glen Cambell, Bonnie Owens, and Cliffy Stone who owned Central Songs at the time.The Musicians playing on the album:
Tourists members :
Hap Arnold on bass guitar and harmony vocals
Kenny Sanderson on drums
Jimmy Pierce ( on piano
The recordings were augmented with: Clarence White and James Burton on lead guitar, Al Bruno on rhythm guitar and lead guitar, Earl Ball on piano.Notes from the back of the album:
Practically before he could talk, Wynn Stewart sang. He made his first public appearance at the age of five when he sang in church with his Aunt Leota who accompanied him on piano. Now, of course, Wynn is about as big a star as Country music's ever seen, and the amazing thing is that he keeps getting bigger! With every television appearance and concert tour he and the Tourists make, the hard core enthusiastic Wynn Stewart fans are joined by hundreds and hundreds of new fans who make it a point to come back for more whenever Wynn's around.Wynn's a good old country boy and started his career in Missouri, the heartland of Country music. There at the age of fourteen, he had a radio show on KWTO, but it was permanently interrupted when his parents decided to move the family to California. It didn't take Wynn long to get back in action. In Los Angeles, he formed his own band and began to record professionally. His Capitol debut was "Waltz of the Angels", which was quickly followed by "Keeper of the Keys", "Hold Back Tomorrrow", and "You Took Her Off My Hands". Then came "It's Such a Pretty World Today", a very big hit on the country music charts and the pop contemporary charts, which proves Wynn's talent is the true and lasting kind.
Nowadays, those Stewart fans seem to wait for each new recording of Wynn's to come along like you'd think rationing was going into effect. And "Yours Forever" is the latest one, containing songs by some of Country music's finest writers - and that includes Wynn himself. It's a fitting lineup for Wynn's talents, which put him in the class of "Country Super Star".
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