Excellent new albums by Wynn Stewart have become a standard, recurring event. They come along with predictable regularity two or three times a year, each one better than the last, and all of them great collections of country songs, from anyone's point of view.
"It's Such a Pretty World Today" and "Love's Gonna Happen to Me" were the two albums that immediately preceded this one. There's not a bit of need to tell you about them. The hit status they achieved made them very well known to everybody. "Something Pretty" is now well along the road to similar popularity, and it contains more of the same ingredients that made its predecessors such big successes: outstanding country songs in a wide variety of moods, outstandingly well sung by Wynn and beautifully backed by the Tourists.
"Something Pretty" itself is Wynn's great "singles" recording which now gives the album its title. It's in the same sunny, happy spirit as "It's Such a Pretty World Today" and its lyrics express a similar, delightful sentiment. "Built in Love" gives Wynn the opportunity to sing about a warm, contented home life, and he does so with the conviction of a man who knows what he's singing about. Ray Warren and Scotty Turner's song "She Didn't Color Daddy" is the reverse of the coin. It's about the sad consequences to a little girl of a broken home. Wynn's heartfelt verson of it bids fair to put it up alongside his alltime biggest hits with his fans. "One More Memory" is the story-in-song of a fellow, just passing through town, who phones an old girl friend who still means all the world to him. Wynn gives it a moving realism that puts you right there in the phone booth with him.
Finally, there are many of those country blues songs Wynn performs surpassingly well. He has picked some unusually fine ones: Tommy Collins "It's Too Much Like Lonesome", and Floyd Tillman's "This Cold War", among others. As usual, he has also contributed several that he has written himself, including the meaningful "If Tomorrow Could Be Yesterday" and "Why Didn't I Write That Song? And of course, he sings them all in that rich baritone voice with the built-in tenderness that makes every Wynn Stewart recording a lasting pleasure to listen to.
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